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Cath Labs to date

Last year saw the completion of essential services at LGI at Cath Lab 1 in September.

Following this success, I&G have been approached to complete a further programme of remodelling and refurbishment works totalling four Cardiac Cath Lab suites at Leeds General Infirmary. This will form part of a phased programme of works to upgrade mechanical and electrical (M&E) infrastructure that would serve the labs, to bring them up to the current HTM and BGN compliant standards with new Phillips medical equipment.

Following the completion of the previous three labs, I&G are currently on programme to complete the refurbishment of the fourth Cath Lab within the suite for Christmas, with commissioning to take place in the new year.  The improved labs will allow more updated and modern specialist care which will enhance patient care.

Progress so far on the fourth Cath Lab is as below, and currently on programme to complete install for Christmas:

100% first fix M&E
100% ceiling grid Installation
100% second fix joinery
100% installation of new partition walls, second board and plastering
95% fire seals
90% specialist joinery & lab furniture
90% Second Fix Mechanical and Electrical

Paul Midgely, Site Manager for I&G, who oversaw the previous Cath Labs and has worked closely with Leeds Teaching Hospital, has said:

“It’s been a pleasure to worth with the Leeds Teaching Hospital over many schemes and projects,  building a strong relationship with the team, so I was delighted when the opportunity to work on the other Cath Labs for the Trust came about “ 

Over the next two weeks

Currently, on track with the building programme, the next two weeks works look to carry out the:

- Third fix M&E
- Remaining fire seals
- Suspended ceiling installation
- New flooring and internal decoration